Know about Rajyogya in Kundali? What it signifies about your birthchart

Know about Rajyogya in Kundali? What it signifies about your birthchart
Know about Rajyogya in Kundali? What it signifies about your birthchart

On hearing the name of Raja Yoga, people think of a big post in the brain. They start thinking that if Raja Yoga is in the birth chart, then he will definitely become a big politician, industrialist or bureaucrat. They will gain immense wealth and social prestige. But in reality this is not the standard of astrological Raja Yoga. In my astrological Raja Yoga hypothesis, Raja Yoga means a life that does not have any dissatisfaction, a person who is fully satisfied and happy in himself like Buddha, Mahavira.

Such Raja Yoga is very rare. Buddha and Mahavira were Rajputs. There was Raja Yoga in the Buddha's horoscope, but the Raja Yoga of Buddha flourished in a different way. In the worldly sense, Buddha was a monk, but such a great monk, before whom the emperor bowed his head. The definition of Raja Yoga is different from the general public but completely different from astrological Raja Yoga. For more information you can consult our world famous astrologer.

It is necessary for an astrologer to study the other bad and inauspicious yogas of the native's horoscope proportionally before saying any Raja Yoga is a success. The mere creation of a Raja Yoga in the horoscope will lead to blissful life unless it can be said that other miscellaneous yogas of the horoscope have been studied. There are many types of Raja Yoga in astrology. Let us know about some major Raja Yoga

Opposite Raj Yoga

'रन्ध्रेशो व्ययषष्ठगो,रिपुपतौ रन्ध्रव्यये वा स्थिते।

रिःफेशोपि तथैव रन्ध्ररिपुभे यस्यास्ति तस्मिन वदेत,

अन्योन्यर्क्षगता निरीक्षणयुताश्चन्यैरयुक्तेक्षिता,

जातो सो न्रपतिः प्रशस्त विभवो राजाधिराजेश्वरः॥'

When the lord of the sixth, eighth, twelfth houses is in the sixth, eighth, twelfth house or is situated in his zodiac in these bhavas and these planets are only mutually mutable and visible; If 'opposite Raja Yoga' is created. A person born in this yoga is rich, famous and high official.

Low Raj Yoga

In the horoscope, the planet which is situated in the lower zodiac, the lord of the lower zodiac or the lord of the zodiac sign in which that lower planet is of higher position, if the lagna or lunar is located in the center, then 'Neechabhang Raja Yoga' is created. A person born in this yoga is the Rajadhipati and rich.

Other Raja Yoga

1- When three or more planets are in their higher zodiac sign or at their center.

2- When a planet is situated in a low zodiac, it is situated in retrograde and auspicious place.

3- Three or four planets get Digible.

4. Situated in the lunar center and the Guru should have a look at it.

5. Change of zodiac sign of Navamsh and Dashmesh.

6- Navamsh is in ninth and Dashmesh is in tenth.

7- Navamsh and Dashmesh should be in ninth or tenth.

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