Astrology Predictions for Second Week of March: 8 March-14 March’ 2021

Astrology Predictions for Second Week of March: 8 March-14 March’ 2021
8 March-14 March’ 2021


For the people of Aries, there is a moon in the ninth and they will also have luck and father's support. All your work will go on well. You may also get some pleasant notifications. Yogas will also be made for traveling and there will be more work in the middle of the week. You can also become a big government business. Children will get happiness and income may increase in the end of the week. There will also be a chance to go to Manglik works.


The Moon will remain in the tenth house and Monday and Tuesday can be very busy days. Family will remain together and new business relationships can also be formed. There will be an increase in work and work according to your mind. Income will increase on Wednesday and Thursday. Stuck money can also be obtained and disputes will prevail. Time is favorable on Venus and Saturdays.


The Moon is in the seventh house and the chances of meeting family happiness are being formed. Your income will be better and you will be able to do your work efficiently. There may be anger in the mind. There will be more restlessness on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and there may be more concerns about the future. There will also be a decrease in income, but expenses may be higher.


Time can be wasted in stupid things. Worries will dominate and this may lead to some wrong decisions. You will benefit only by working carefully. Opponents can be active. Time will be fine on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, you can get success in works and you will get support at home. There is a possibility of traveling and there may be differences with regular visitors on Thursday. On Friday and Saturday, the mind will be depressed due to this. improve.


Moon is in fifth house and beginning of the week will be good. Work will be fast and children can get good news. You can get support from all sides and new work will also be done well. There will be some worry on Mars and Wednesday. There may be controversy and disrespect by anyone. Thursday will be a good day and you will get happiness on Venus and Saturday.


The Moon of the Virgo zodiac is in the sixth house and there will be no mind in the work and negativity can occur. You can get cheated and your income may be affected a little bit. There can be obstacles without any work in working. After Tuesday and Wednesday, the work will be done in the right way by the lunar compatibility. The inflow of funds will also increase and there will also be cooperation.


The Moon is in the third house and the power will be better and will be supported by the brothers. Luck remains fully supportive and the work will expand and new plans may also be formed. On Tuesday and Wednesday, income will be stable and the mind may be good. Work will be interrupted and you may be worried.


There will be more work in the beginning of the week. Most of the tasks will be such that they will be useless. The plans will take time to complete. Skin problems may occur. There may be a dispute with relatives. However, you can get the required money on time. Support of friends will also continue to be available.


Moon will be visible. This time is better for the attainment of wealth. You can get success in many things. There may be an edge in responsibility. There may also be a possibility of going on a religious journey. There will be a chance to join Manglik festivities. Auspicious information can be received on Tuesday and Wednesday. At the end of the week there will be a chance to be with the family.


Mangwar day will bring other problems along with economic troubles. Work will be interrupted and will not get along with anyone. After that the time can be perfect in every way. Good news will be received and colleagues will also meet. On Friday and Saturday, the cooperation of the relatives will be supported and new plans will be made.


Income will be good on Monday and Monday and success in work will be achieved as well as cooperation. Wednesday may be the opposite. There will be loss in anger and fret. It would be better to work with restraint. Excess spending will not be good and the situation may be slightly better on Thursday. On Friday and Saturday, the time may be better than usual.


Beginning of the week can be auspicious in every way. Those wishing to go abroad will also get success. Good notifications can be received and work will be completed on time. The middle of the week will be the best in economic matters. There can be a lot of money received. The plans will be successful.