Causes of Late marriage in Vedic Astrology

Causes of Late marriage in Vedic Astrology
Causes of Late marriage in Vedic Astrology

What does it mean to marry late in life?

Marriage age varies by country and culture; for example, there are no defined limitations for marriage age in the Western world, and you will see a wide variety of marriage ages there. In Asian nations such as India, on the other hand, getting married at the correct age is a major worry, particularly for parents who want to ensure that their children marry at the appropriate age.

Determining the appropriate marriage age is especially difficult because each person has their own motives for marrying:

  • A person's wealth may be a factor in delaying marriage. Marriage might be delayed due to a variety of factors, including education.
  • A person's health is a major factor in why they wait.
  • Determining the appropriate marriage age is especially difficult because each person has their own motives for marrying:
  • A person's wealth may be a factor in delaying marriage.
  • Marriage might be delayed due to a variety of factors, including education.
  • A person's health is a major factor in why they wait.

Now as per astrology our classics have given various Planetary combinations regarding the age of marriage. These combinations I won’t repeat here since it will be difficult for readers to apply them, rather I will mention them in a simple manner along with example charts.

  • As we all know for marriage the primary house to be seen is 7th & its lord, along with that divisional chart D-9 should be given equal weight age.
  • Apart from 7th house, the role of 8th & 12th house lord also has a significant role in timely marriage.
  • The condition of karaka for marriage i.e Venus for male & Jupiter for the female should be checked thoroughly.

Upapada & condition of Darakaraka should also be considered before concluding the final result.But I have seen the role of planet Saturn in delayed marriage and it should be discussed separately here.

Saturn's Importance in Post-Wedding Relationships

Saturn is the principal karaka of delay, and it has been noted that when Saturn is present in the 1st, 5th, 7th, 8th, 10th, or 12th house, the native has a delay in marriage.

The explanation for this is simple: Saturn influences marriage timing from above houses, and we must account for Saturn's involvement for each ascendant since there are certain ascendants where Saturn tends to become a Yogakaraka, and in these circumstances, the delays are smooth and do not upset the native. In contrast, for those ascendants with Saturn as a malefic, the delay in marriage has a negative impact on the native. Similarly, the transits of Saturn and Jupiter are significant and can determine the duration of your marriage's postponement.

Late Marriage Planetary Positions

A vast number of specific alignments are shown below, each of which causes a native to suffer from ate marriage at some point in his or her life.

1. Placement of 7th house lord from ascendant in 6th, 8th, and 12th house: When it comes to the placement of 7th house lord in a Horoscope, the 6th, 8th, and 12th house are the worst. And when the 7th house lord is put there, marriage is postponed, especially in the 8th house, because the 8th house is the home of delays.

2. Placement of the lord of the 7th house from the moon in the 6th, 8th, and 12th houses: Similar to point #1, we must look at the 7th house lord from the Moon chart, and the same principle will be followed here.

3. Placement of Venus's 7th house lord in the 6th, 8th, or 12th house: Venus is the karaka of marriage, and the 7th house from Venus plays an important role in the timing and condition of marriage. When Venus's 7th house lord is placed in the 6th, 8th, or 12th house from the ascendant or from Venus, marriage is likely to be delayed.

4. Malefic planets in the 7th house, such as Saturn, Mars, Rahu, Ketu, and Sun: This rule suggests that when natural malefic planets are positioned in the 7th house of marriage, marriage is likely to be postponed. Similarly, when these malefic planets are aligned with the ascendant's 7th house lord, moon, or even planet Venus, the same rule might be applied.

5. Combustion of the 7th Lord: Combustion occurs when a planet approaches too near to the Sun, and we frequently observe Venus and Mercury in this form. Though, according to Nadi astrology, Venus and Mercury do not collide. When the ascendant's 7th house lord combusts, marriages are delayed, and in certain situations, marriages are denied.

6. 7th house hemmed in by malefic planets: This is known as Papakarti Yoga, and it occurs when two planets are positioned next to each other in a house, causing that house to suffer and weaken. If this occurs in the 7th house, the 7th house's weakness will result in a late marriage.

7. 7th house lord hemmed by malefic planets: Similar to rule number 6, the hemming of the 7th house lord may cause marital delays.

8. Debilitated 7th House Lord: This rule deals with the weakness of the 7th house lord owing to debilitation; nevertheless, you should also verify the state of the 7th house lord in navamsha, since the power of planets often increases in navamsha.

9. Retrograde 7th house lord: Retrograde planets are difficult to understand and come with a slew of complications. For the purposes of this discussion about marriage delays, you should concentrate on the delay factor that comes with retrograde planets. If the 7th house lord is retrograde, marriage will be delayed.

10. Retrograde planets in the 2nd and 7th houses: Similar to rule #9, retrograde planets in the 2nd or 7th house again indicate late marriage. You might be wondering why the 2nd house, so to explain it, use the Bhavat Bhavam principle. The 2nd house is 8th from the 7th house, and any planets there directly effect marriage, and while that planet is retrograde, there will very certainly be a late marriage.

11. Venus in Navamsha affected: Venus is the Karaka of marriage in general, and when it is afflicted, it tends to provide late marriages. You may learn more about ailment by reading the page on the subject.

12. Venus hemmed between malefics: Similar to rule number 6, confining Venus between malefics would create a marriage delay.

13. Venus in infertile signs such as Gemini, Leo, and Virgo: This point is very important to understand because it deals with the fundamentals of astrology. In astrology, some signs are considered infertile or useless for the matter of creation, and when Venus, the karaka of marriage, is placed in these signs, marriage is delayed.