Planets of horoscope obstruct love marriage

Planets of horoscope obstruct love marriage
Planets of horoscope obstruct love marriage

When we are born, we get the birth of parents-brother-sister relationship, but when we like someone, then that person is our choice, in which we get many emotions and feelings in our mind. If you love someone, then you also dream of spending your whole life with him, but sometimes when lovers couple tell their family about their love, they often refuse. But do you know that according to astrology, the movement of planets and constellations in your horoscope also hinders your love marriage?

Obstacles in love marriage

If your love marriage is not successful then Venus, Guru, Mercury and Rahu planets are likely to be weak in your horoscope. When Venus is weak in the horoscope, the person's love sense and sensual feeling become weak. At the same time, problems of Jataka begin to come in the life of the Jataka when the Guru is suffering. If Mercury is weak then there is a possibility of cheating on the partner after marriage. Whereas Rahu being in a weak state creates doubtful position in marital life.

According to astrology, even if the seventh and fifth house of a person's horoscope is weak, there is little chance of love marriage being formed. People of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are more likely to be deceived in love. Also, if there is an inauspicious or inferior planet with the planets in one's horoscope, then there is a possibility of interruption in love marriage.

Ways to make love marriage successful

  • If you want to make a love marriage successful then you need to take some astrological measures. In whose horoscope, if Venus, Guru, Mercury and Rahu are in a weak position, then take measures for their peace.
  • In the horoscope, the Guru planet is the factor of marriage and if this planet is in a low place then love marriage starts to get disturbed. You should wear Pukhraj Ratna to please the Guru. Wearing these miraculous gems removes all the problems in your love marriage.
  • If the lovers are coming in trouble for the marriage of the natives, then these natives should worship Lord Shiva and Rudraabhishek with honey, milk and Ganga water of Shivling. Sitting in front of Shivalinga, chant 'Om Someshvarai Namah' 108 times with a rosary of Rudraksha.
  • Those who want to do love marriage and their marriage is delayed, then they should chant Sri Krishna's "Klein Krishnaay Govindayi Gopijanavallabhoy Swaha" 108 times daily. Apart from this, one should chant 'Om Lakshmi Narayanay Namah' 108 times daily with a garland of crystal in front of the idol of Lord Vishnu and Mother Lakshmi on Thursday.

Astrological yog of love marriage

  • According to celebrity astrologer, if the seventh house of a person's horoscope is related to the third, fifth or twelfth then love marriage is formed.
  • If Mars is forming a conjunction with Rahu or Saturn in someone's horoscope, there is a possibility of love marriage. Apart from this, when the sight of Rahu or Ketu in the horoscope is falling on Venus or Saptamesh, then love marriage is formed.
  • It is said in astrology that if the Moon or Mars is seated in the same house with the owner of the fifth house, then the marriage of the lovers can become a sum.
  • If Venus or Moon in one's horoscope is in the fifth or ninth house from the lagna or Saturn or Ketu is sitting in the seventh house, it indicates that there is a possibility of love marriage.

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