Why is Manglik Dosha formed from five places?

Why is Manglik Dosha formed from five places?
Manglik Dosha formed from five places

In Hindu families, the horoscope and qualities of the boy and girl are matched before marriage. The most important among them is Manglik Dosh. If there is a Manglik Dosh in the horoscope of either the boy or the girl, then they are not married or if it is absolutely necessary, then the Mangal Dosh is to be avoided or married. Mangal Dosh is formed in the horoscope when Mars is sitting in any of the 12th, first, fourth, seventh or eighth positions of the horoscope. Have you ever wondered why Mars becomes a defect only if there is Mars in any one of these five places.

Why does Mangal form a defect?

According to love marriage astrology the answer is that Mars is said to be the causative planet of fierceness, anger, passion, bravery, strength, blood in the body, good luck. If Mars is corrupted then the native suffers all the pains associated with these. If the boy or girl is fierce in any one's horoscope, then he will directly try to suppress the other. In such a situation, there is doubt about the happiness of marriage and eliminate husband wife problem. Mars also represents blood, so if the defect is in the horoscope of one, it can become fatal for the other person. This can lead to a decrease in good luck.

Why only five places?

1, 4, 7, 8, 12 Mangal Dosh is formed if there is Mars in any of these five places. The seventh place in a horoscope is the place of life partner and marriage happiness. The above five places are related in some way or the other. Therefore only these five places are included in the Mangal Dosh. If there is Mars in the lagna, then the same direct vision is on the seventh.

If there is Mars in the fourth, then its fourth sight is on the seventh. If there is Mars in the seventh house, then it will affect that house. If there is Mars in the eighth then its 12th sight is on the seventh. If there is Mars in Dwadash, then his eighth vision is on Mars. In this way, the 4th, 8th, 12th vision of Mars on seventh is not auspicious. Therefore, Mangal Dosh occurs when there is Mars in all the above five places. In such a situation, there can be a marriage only if there is a Mangal Dosh in the horoscope of both the young man and the woman, otherwise not.