Kundali Match Making for Love Marriage is Necessary or Not

Kundali Match Making for Love Marriage is Necessary or Not
Kundali Match Making for Love Marriage is Necessary or Not

Marriage is the union of two souls. Marriage is a big decision for anyone. In Hinduism, it is considered necessary to match the horoscope before getting married. It is a tradition that the horoscopes of the boy and the girl are matched before marriage and their qualities are also mixed. It is believed that for a successful marriage, it is necessary to get your horoscope. If you are also planning to get married with your lover then you can consult our astrologer and get the reliable guidance to make the things work in your favor.

Hearing this tradition of matching horoscopes, many questions often arise in the minds of people. One of those questions is whether horoscope matching is necessary for love marriage also. This question can be seen and understood from two perspectives. Let us tell you today what astrology consultancy says in it. From the ancient times love marriage is not allowed in the society. After putting too much efforts couples are not able to get married with the desired partner. But by consulting our expert you are able to get the right solution.

What is kundli matching?

In Kundli Matching, the horoscopes of the bride and groom are matched for a successful and happy marriage. In which 36 qualities of both are mixed. For a good and successful life it is necessary that at least 18 qualities should be found. If less than 18 gunas are found, then astrology tells about problems in the marriage of such people.

Is it necessary to match kundli in love marriage?

It is necessary to match the horoscopes of those people who do not know each other before marriage. In Kundli matching, the nature ability, attitude and tendencies of the boy and the girl are matched. Which shows whether both are right person for each other or not.

A good relationship is built on understanding with mutual trust and love. A man is never happy with a marriage done under pressure. If there is any chance of divorce problem in Kundli matching, then none of your efforts can tell your Kundli to be a perfect match. There are also many people who believe less in horoscope and more on God with their karma. For which they believe in worship and luck from time to time.

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