How to know that Sun is giving you inauspicious results?

How to know that Sun is giving you inauspicious results?
know that Sun is giving you inauspicious results

The planets give their auspicious effects in transit and condition, differential position and reverse position. According to astrology consultancy the position of the planet under which we are in effect, we get good results.

Whenever a planet is going to give its auspicious or inauspicious results, it starts giving some signs in advance. Increased problems can be avoided by taking these measures. Here is a description of some such earlier signs-

Before the Sun is inauspicious

All planets give their auspicious effects in transit and condition, differential position and reverse state. According to the position of the planet under which we are in effect, we get good results. Whenever a planet is going to give its auspicious or inauspicious results, it starts giving some signs in advance. Increased problems can be avoided by taking these measures. Here is a description of some such earlier signs-

Below mention are some of the earlier signs that sun is giving you inauspicious results:

  1. If the Sun is to give inauspicious results, the house lights will be destroyed or the source of light will be closed, such as the burning bulb fusing, losing the copper object.
  2. The closure of the skylight at a place from which sunlight enters from sunrise to noon.
  3. There can be many reasons for the closure of such a skylight, such as inadvertently stuffing something in it or closing a bird due to its nest, etc.
  4. Many troubles have to be faced about the topics related to the Sun's causality.
  5. The Sun in the horoscope causes the loss of the fruits associated with that house.
  6. If Surya Panchamesh, Navamesh hurts son and father.
  7. If the Sun is extinguished, then the native suffers from headache, fever and gall diseases.
  8. Loss of reputation.
  9. Tension from any officer class, trouble from state party etc.
  10. If the dispute is going on in the court, adverse consequences.
  11. Stiffness and pain in the joints of the body.
  12. Drying of crop due to some reason.
  13. Spitting often starts in the mouth of a person and he has to spit again and again.
  14. Head collides with an object.
  15. Have to walk or stand in strong sunlight.

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