Know Hidden Benefits Of Peppermint That Increases Immunity

Know Hidden Benefits Of Peppermint That Increases Immunity
Know Hidden Benefits Of Peppermint That Increases Immunity

The importance of Mint, Peppermint or Peppermint is mentioned in Ayurveda. Any health-related problems can be cured through home remedies with mint. Mint can be used for flavor and medicinal properties at any time. Peppermint is very beneficial in dry cough as its menthol compound soothes the throat. Along with this, it helps in reducing both throat irritation or pain. If peppermint is consumed only 2 to 3 times a day, then the problem of cough starts to go away.

Mint has antiviral, antioxidant and anti-bacterial properties, which are able to overcome many health problems. Mint also contains many nutrients. Such as menthol, iron, fat, protein, carbohydrate, manganese, vitamin C, vitamin-A, riboflavin and copper etc. are nutrients. In the midst of corona infection, people should also include mint in their diet, as it is also helpful in strengthening your immunity. People should consume mint regularly to protect themselves from corona.

Let's know 15 benefits of mint

  1. Crushing fresh mint leaves and smelling the unconscious person ends fainting. For more information you can talk to astrologer.
  2. Give mint juice to 2 intestinal worms. In case of indigestion, drinking mint juice mixed with water is beneficial.
  3. In stomachache and anorexia, adding 3 grams of mint juice, cumin, asafoetida, black pepper, some salt, and drinking it after heating is beneficial.
  4. By giving mint juice at the time of delivery, delivery becomes easier.
  5. By applying mint extract on the bite site of a scorpion or barre, it draws out the venom and also calms the pain.
  6. Boil 6 10 grams mint and 20 grams jaggery in 200 grams water and take it, it cures recurring urticaria.
  7. Use of mint is very beneficial to reduce stomach heat. Apart from this, it is also beneficial in getting rid of other stomach related problems soon. It doesn't have any side effects either.
  8. People living outside for 8 days complain of burning on the soles of the feet, in such a situation, they should grind the mint kept in the fridge and apply it on the soles so that immediate relief can be given. This will also reduce the heat of the feet.
  9. Mixing dry or wet mint with buttermilk, curd, raw mango water, it will end burning sensation in the stomach and gives coolness. It is also protected from hot winds and heat wave.
  10. If you often complain of tonsils and you are also troubled by the swelling caused in it, then mixing plain water in mint juice and gargling with this water will be beneficial for you.
  11. Daily consumption of mint chutney in summer gives many health benefits. Grind the chutney by mixing mint, black pepper, asafoetida, rock salt, dry grapes, cumin, dry dates. This chutney prevents many diseases of the stomach and is also delicious to eat. This chutney opens up the appetite even when there is no appetite or distaste for food.
  12. Cough is cured by licking the juice of 12 mint and ginger mixed with some honey. On the other hand, if you are troubled by frequent hiccups, then mix sugar in mint and chew slowly. In no time you will get rid of hiccups.
  13. Many types of skin diseases can be eliminated by applying the paste of mint leaves. It is also good for healing wounds. Apart from this, applying its paste on the face will eliminate the heat of the skin and you will feel fresh.
  14. Regular consumption of mint is able to protect you from jaundice. At the same time, the use of mint is also very beneficial for urinary diseases.
  15. Peppermint tea (mint extract): If you like peppermint tea, you can drink it occasionally instead of green tea. Both the teas are very beneficial in improving digestion. Peppermint leaves are used to make this tea. It can be drunk hot or cold.

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