Increase Love in Arranged Marriage with Astrology Tips

Increase Love in Arranged Marriage with Astrology Tips
Increase Love in Arranged Marriage with Astrology Tips

In today's era, a boy and girl live in a relationship before marriage, and many people give this relationship the name of marriage. However, it is not possible for everyone to have a love marriage. That's why many people have to do arranged marriages. In this, the partners see each other, like, but like in love marriage, the partners do not know each other. In such a situation, there are problems with many people that they are not able to adjust in this arranged marriage. At the same time, some people are scared by the name of arranged marriage. In such a situation, if you are also in the same confusion, then we are going to tell you some ways, with the help of which your arranged marriage can go very well and with love problem solution can rain in your marriage.

Spend Time With Partner

If you have arranged marriage then you should spend more time with your partner, talk to them, know about them, know about their likes and dislikes, go out with them, can know their old things etc. This will increase the love between you and your partner.

Remove Hesitation

Many people have hesitation in the beginning. But you should overcome this hesitation and know about your partner and the people of the house. Praise the good work of the partner, help the other members of the house in their work etc. Moreover, you will be able to mix with your new family very quickly and your life will become much easier.

Meet Family Members

It is seen many times that when a new marriage takes place, the girl mixes with her husband or the boy mixes with his wife. But many times both the partners are not able to mingle with each other's family members. In such a situation, when you get time, you should sit with them, know about them, help them etc. By doing this you will also be able to mingle with them and make your place in their heart.

Things Get Better With Time

The problem with many people is that they are not able to adjust in arranged marriage, but it is not so. When you give time to everyone and spend time there, with time everything becomes perfect. You need to keep patience. With time, the partner falls in love and these marriages go very well.

Try some astrology remedies suggested by astrology consultancy:

  1. If there is something in your house that you are not together even after living with your husband and both of you are no longer sweet and curious in their relationship. But if there is a quarrel and quarrel between you people. So you don't need to be disappointed in the slightest. Today we are going to tell some such remedies, especially those related to women, by trying them, the old shine can return to your married life again.
  2. After having dinner together, burning camphor in the bedroom before going to sleep ends stress and fights. If there has been negativity in the relationship between husband wife dispute, then burning camphor can make your relationship as sweet as before.
  3. Before going to their room to sleep, women must go after seeing the faces of the elders of their house. If possible, you should go to your room only when the elders of the house go to their room and sleep. By doing this, sweetness also comes in your married life and the atmosphere of the house becomes harmonious.
  4. Before sleeping at night, you should light a lamp or a bulb in the south and west corner of the house. It is believed that doing this paves the way for the ancestors and prosperity resides in the house. You can talk to astrologer for more information. Along with this, happiness, peace and prosperity remain in your house.

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