Facing problem in building your house? So try these 8 Perfect Astrological Remedies

Facing problem in building your house? So try these 8 Perfect Astrological Remedies
Facing problem in building your house 8 Perfect Astrological Remedies

There are many such remedies in astrology, which not only free you from troubles, but also fulfill many of your desires, which seem like dreams. chappati, cloth and house are basic needs. Many times a person easily collects bread and clothes for himself but is unable to take his home. Life is spent only in rented houses, but there are many such effective remedies in astrology which are effective in fulfilling your dream of your own house.

Here we are going to tell you such remedies of astrology which will help in fulfilling your dream of home. If you try these remedies with faith and belief in your mind, you will definitely get success. According to astrology consultancy let's know what are those surefire remedies.

8 surefire easy ways to build your own home

1. After bathing everyday in the morning, offer Durva and red flowers to Lord Ganapati and place your wishes in front of him. This has to be done for at least 21 days. Try to do this work in the temple, if it is not possible, then start doing it at home.

2. Go to the temple of Ganpati ji and offer him wheat and jaggery for five consecutive Tuesdays. Doing so will help fulfill your dream of home. Remember, definitely speak your wishes to Ganpati ji.

3. Build a small house of neem wood and donate this house to any temple and place your wish before the Lord as advised by famous astrologer.

4. Feed lentils and jaggery to white cow and white calf every Tuesday. Feed this to both of them with your hand.

5. Buy a small earthen house in the house where you have your place of worship and install it there. Remember that every Sunday light an oil lamp in this house and when the lamp is extinguished, then burn camphor. Decorate this clay house in a beautiful way with your own hands. This also removes the obstacles in the formation of the planet.

6. Start feeding bread soaked in milk to the crow and saptadhan to the parrot. This has to be done daily. This will strengthen your financial position and your dream will start getting a direction.

7. Start donating red lentils on every Tuesday. Buy lentils for charity only thinking that you have to donate it to build your house.

8. Wrap six pinches of kumkum, six cloves, nine dots, nine handfuls of clean soil and six cowries in a red cloth on Friday of Shukla Paksha or on any day of Navratri. Now tie all these in a bundle and make it flow in the running water, as well as repeat your wish in your mind.

With your hard work and some astrological remedies, you can fulfill your dream of home. Remember, do only one remedy once.

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