Excessive Consumption of Lemon is Harmful For Health

Excessive Consumption of Lemon is Harmful For Health
Excessive Consumption of Lemon is Harmful For Health

If you must have drunk lemonade, then obviously you must be aware of its properties as well. Actually, it is one of the most commonly used food items in India. It is not only used to enhance the taste of food, but it is also used in many ways in Ayurveda and traditional medicine. Some people drink lemon water regularly for weight loss. At the same time, it also has properties that make the body clean by removing toxins from the body. Since lemon is considered an excellent source of vitamin-C, it boosts the body's immunity and also acts as an anti-aging. It has been talked about the benefits of lemon, but do you know that excessive consumption of it can also be harmful for health? Let us know what kind of problems can be caused by excessive consumption of lemon?

Can damage teeth

Lemon contains citrus acid. Experts say that if there is more contact with the teeth, then the teeth become sensitive. Repeated exposure to lemon juice can damage the top surface of the teeth. That is why it is advised to drink lemon juice mixed with water. If you want to know more then consult world famous astrologer.

Acidity problem may increase

If you have acidity problem then do not consume lemon at all, because it contains acid and it can increase your problem further. Apart from this, excessive consumption of lemon water can also cause heartburn.

Excess intake of lemon is harmful in asthma

Excessive consumption of lemon can increase the problem of asthma. Apart from this, if you have a problem of migraine, then take lemon only on the advice of the doctor, lest it increase your problems further.

It is harmful in the problem of ulcer

Since lemon is highly acidic and the problem of ulcer is caused by the consumption of more acidic things, experts say that the problem of peptic ulcer can become more serious due to excessive consumption of lemonade. Such patients must consult a doctor before consuming lemonade.

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