6 Planetary Combinations indicates extra marital affair in marriage

6 Planetary Combinations indicates extra marital affair in marriage
6 Planetary Combinations indicates extra marital affair in marriage

Nowadays, there is less interaction between husband and wife, due to which differences have started and sometimes this difference in mind Change and create conditions for divorce problem. Apart from this, people feel lonely even after getting married and start looking for someone who can support them emotionally and this kind of relationship is called Extra Marital Affair.

This planetary yoga promotes extra-marital affairs

According to astrology consultancy, the causes of problems after marriage can also be due to the changing movement of the planets in your horoscope. According to astrology, Venus is the factor of marriage in the horoscope of the male and the female horoscope. If the conjunction of Venus and Mercury in your horoscope is in the tenth house or ascendant, then it is an inauspicious sign and it points towards polygamy. Apart from this, if the conjunction of Mars and Venus is in the seventh house, then according to astrology, the native also shows extramarital relations after marriage. If there is Taurus or Libra in the tenth house of the horoscope, and if the planets Venus, Saturn and Mercury are in the same house then it also makes the sum of extra marital affairs.

  1. According to astrology, if a person's seventh horoscope is in the house, then it makes the possibility of establishing an extramarital affair despite the life partner. Apart from this, if the Saptamesh is in the fifth house in the horoscope, then the native is never satisfied with his marriage.
  2. If there is a lunar and Saturn combination in the seventh house of a person's horoscope, then it is not auspicious sign. This means that the person will have more than one marriage.
  3. World famous astrologer says that if Venus and Mars are in yoga in the ninth house of the horoscope, then the native makes an extramarital affair. Apart from this, if the Sun is in the seventh house with Saturn, Venus, Mars and Moon, and the inauspicious planets are seen on it, then the native performs extra marital affairs with the approval of his spouse.
  4. If Mars in the horoscope of a person is in the seventh house or Venus and Mercury in the fourth house, then it gives inauspicious signs. This means that the native will have extra marital affairs after marriage.
  5. According to astrology, if a person's horoscope is with the lord of the eighth house in his low zodiac sign, then polygamy is formed.
  6. It is said in astrology that if the moon and Venus in a person's horoscope are in a conjunction then it is not an auspicious sign and it makes more than one marriage of the native.