5 Mistakes Love Marriage Couples Should Avoid

5 Mistakes Love Marriage Couples Should Avoid
5 Mistakes Love Marriage Couples Should Avoid

It does not matter that how well that you know your partner and how much blindly you are in love with each other. Marriage can be with the different games. For the reason, when a couple starts living under the same roof and they are generally in their best and good behavior for the initial weeks. One of the great struggle starts when the phase is over and the couple starts that leads to the normal life.   

Gone are the days when parents used to find relationships for their children. Nowadays people find their life partner themselves and do love marriage. Which is also appropriate. Love marriage is not a big deal in today's time. There is love in it and there is also conflict. At the same time, there are some love marriages in which distance starts with time.

In love marriage, quarrels start after sometime between the partners. It is not known when this dispute started over a small matter, it becomes very big. There is also a situation of separation in love marriage. Today we are going to tell you some such things which you should not do. Doing so can cause a rift in your relationship.

1. No time constraints

It is very important to give time to your partner. How you used to take time for your partner or your love life before marriage, in the same way you must take time for your partner even after marriage. Your partner still has the same importance for you, so even after marriage, take time out for him.

2. Counting Drawbacks

Where you start finding faults on everything in front, there is a rift in your relationship and cause love problem. You have loved your partner as he is. So accept it as it is. Don't sit down counting their mistakes. This will put tension in your relationship. If attention is not paid, then the fights will also keep on increasing.

3. Not giving importance

Learn to value your partner and what they say. People often do not understand their partner's words as necessary and this becomes the reason for their quarrel. Conflicts continue to increase over this. Don't make such a mistake either.

4. To Ignore

Love marriage has happened, it does not mean at all that you should ignore the things in front. Doing so also weakens your relationship. As a result, fights start between you. At that time you can consult world famous astrologer.

5. Because of the child

In love marriages, there are frequent fights regarding the child. Parents often quarrel about things like who will take care of the baby, who will go to school to pick him up. Don't make such mistake. Do not let the love between you both diminish after the arrival of the children.

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