11 Romantic Ideas that will win your wife's heart

11 Romantic Ideas that will win your wife's heart
romantic ideas wife

Is your relationship a little too cosy? It's time to shake things up a little if you've been missing some of the magic you used to have with your wife. You don't have to make her swoon on her birthday or Valentine's Day. Make her day any day of the week with these fantastic 11 romantic ideas that will win your wife's heart.

Romantic Ideas long Distance relationship

1. Congratulate her on her beauty

What lady wouldn't want to hear anything like that? Don't wait till she's dressed up to tell her this; tell her even if she's in her pjs and without makeup. You're going to win her over.

2. Have a game of footsie

Supper is usually simply that: dinner. Your wife likes it when you mix things up a little. Slowly slip your foot over and watch what happens while she's not looking. She may flinch at first, but that doesn't mean she won't warm up to you.

3. Go on a romantic stroll

How frequently do you and your wife leave the house and go for a walk hand in hand just to spend time together? That one-on-one time with you will be cherished by her. You'll win her over just because you thought of it and wanted to do it with her.

4: Make a love letter to her.

It doesn't matter if you don't know what to say; you can even copy a poem. Simply write anything about her that expresses your feelings for her, and she'll appreciate the fact that you took the time and stepped outside of your comfort zone to do so. For years to come, it'll be a treasured keepsake.

5. Snuggle up with a girl film.

When you turn on a girl film, your lady may give you a surprised look—after all, it's called a chick flick for a reason—but she won't be able to resist sitting down and watching it with you. Then there's the cuddling. Just don't doze off!

 6. Go out and get her favourite goodie.

What kind of reward does she buy for herself on a regular basis?

Please pay heed! Stop on your way home and get it for your woman if she's having a rough day or if you just want to be romantic. Surprise her with it after supper. Your kindness will be greatly appreciated by her.

7: Make arrangements for a picnic.

Picnics have a certain charm about them. What is there not to like about this? Delicious picnic fare, champagne, a great setting, a sunny day, a large tree.... Bring a picnic blanket that you and your partner may share. You'll make her feel special by preparing all of the meals and reserving a table for just the two of you.

8. Massage her.

Offering your girlfriend a massage is a certain way to win her heart. She'll appreciate being handled in such a sexual way, in addition to the fact that it will make her back feel better and her body relax. Hopefully, it will put her in a romantic mood and lead to more.

9. Do a slow dance while listening to love music.

Slow dancing with your wife is certainly not something you do often, but why wait? Simply play some romantic music and grab her hand in yours as you lead her in a slow dance. To slow dance, you don't need to be a fantastic dancer—all you need is a desire to be near to her. From head to toe, she'll be enthralled.

10: Make her dinner.

It's all your idea. You are the one who purchases the food. You are the one who prepares it. Anything of your planning shows her that you adore her beyond all else. In addition, she won't have to cook that night! It's a win-win situation. She'll sense the amorous vibrations you're sending her with each mouthful.

11:  Devote a significant amount of time to foreplay

Spend your sweet time delighting your girlfriend with loads and heaps of foreplay rather than getting to the main event between the sheets. It doesn't get any more romantic than this.

Apart from this, we have 8 more ways to make love marriage successful and if there is a problem in your marriage itself, then you can solve the problem of husband and wife.

Giving a woman your time and attention is the key to her heart. There are many methods to increase the romance in a relationship, so try any of these 11 suggestions.

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